Visual paradigm 10.1
Visual paradigm 10.1

Finally, the data members on the back of the card become the attributes of the class. All collaborators indicate that an association between the two classes must be drawn (and the class will need to have an instance of the collaborating classes). The responsibilities on the card become the method of the class. In your class diagram, you create a class for each card that was used. Then, essentially, these index cards become your class diagram.

  • Identify one or more collaborators for each class.
  • Identify the responsibilities for each class.
  • Write the main responsibility for each class.
  • Walk through the scenario, naming cards and responsibilities.
  • Because the cards are portable, they can easily be laid out on a table and re-arranged while discussing a design with other people. It also forces the designer to refrain from giving the class too many responsibilities. It focuses the designer on the essentials of the class and prevents her/him from getting into its details and inner workings at a time when such detail is probably counter-productive. Since these cards are small in size, they help reduce the complexity of the design to minimum. The advantage of using a small index card is that they are cheap, portable, readily available, and familiar.

    visual paradigm 10.1

    These could also be used to form object interaction diagram. Responsibility-driven modelling can be done using CRC cards. The class should be a singular noun, does not really have the same functionality as some other class, and is not a primitive type.

    visual paradigm 10.1

    To identify the name of the classes, we look for the nouns in the requirements document.

  • Collaborator - the relationship the class has with other classes in order to collaborate and fulfil its responsibilities.
  • Responsibility - the responsibilities of the class.
  • Class - the name of the object-oriented class.
  • The CRC cards are commonly created from 4 by 6 inch index cards and they contain: However, rather than simply tracing the details of a collaboration in the form of message sending, CRC cards place the designer’s focus on the motivation for collaboration by representing (potentially) many messages as a phrase of English text. CRC CardsĬRC cards explicitly represent multiple objects simultaneously. Normally, it could be done by one person or may require up to five people. It is used during initial model construction as a brainstorming technique where it is used to determine which classes are needed and how they will interact among themselves, and again later to evaluate the design. CRC Cards - Wikipedia It supports a rapid and thorough exploration of design alternatives. These are used as a tool used in the design on object oriented software.


    This wiki article will discuss about CRC cards, how they are made and a few software tools that are used to implement CRC cards.ĬRC Cards are the Class Responsibility Collaboration Cards which are used to interactively brainstorm an initial design of a program or a program segment. Wilkinson, "Using CRC Cards: An Informal Approach to Object-Oriented Development", ISBN 0-13-374679-8 The intention was to come up the essential units of abstraction for the object-oriented approach analogous to the notions of processes, data flows, and data stores for procedural designs.

    visual paradigm 10.1 visual paradigm 10.1

    Beck, Kent Cunningham, Ward (October 1989), "A laboratory for teaching object oriented thinking", ACM SIGPLAN Notices (New York, NY, USA: ACM) 24 (10): 1–6, doi:10.1145/74878.74879, ISBN 0-89791-333-7 Cunningham arrived at classes, responsibilities and collaborators as the essential dimensions of an object oriented model.Nancy M. CRC Cards were invented by Kent Back and Ward Cunningham in 1989 as an approach for teaching object-oriented design. CRC Cards are the Class Responsibility Collaboration Cards which is a useful way to document collaborative design decisions.

    Visual paradigm 10.1